Lighthouse Ministries International - Guyana, Corriverton Branch
Welcome ...
It is our joy and honor to expand the Kingdom of God at and through Lighthouse Ministries International, around the world. In 2017, LHMI Guyana was birthed in Georgetown, and has continued to seek to serve our communities with the light of Jesus and hope. In August 2020, during a globally challenging time, the Lord opened a door for expansion of the ministry in Guyana. Minister Annetta E. Liverpool, niece of our Co-Founder and Associate Pastor, Rev. Cora-Dian Cameron, answered the call to enter fulltime ministry with LHMI in Berbice at Corriverton. May your ministry succeed and many souls be won for Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, healing, deliverance and meeting the social and economical needs of the community.
- Rev. Dr. Oswen & Rev. Cora-Dian Cameron
Founders, Overseer & Associate Pastor
Sunday May 23, 2021 there will be an official launching of this Branch of LHMI Guyana, and for that we are eternally grateful - indeed we are the light of the world, a city not hidden - Matthew 5:14.
Join us at Lighthouse Ministries International, Corriverton ...
Learning Is For Everyone Hour
LIFE HOUR is our expression of Sunday School - a time, space and place where everyone can get to learn more about living for Jesus
Sunday at 8 a.m.
A Lighthouse Moment
A Lighthouse Moment (ALM) is our Sunday Worship Service - a time when we come together for corporate worship, edification and service.
Sunday at 9 a.m.
Light Through
The Word
Light Through The Word (LTTW) is our midweek Prayer & Bible Study - a time where we can learn study the Scriptures and spur each other on to good works.
Wed. at 6 p.m.
Meet Lighthouse Ministries International, Corriverton Branch Leader ...
Introducing Minister Annetta E. Liverpool. She is a woman called of God, anointed to serve and endowed with the gift of healing. Professionally she is a Nurse Practitioner who is affectionately know as the "Village Nurse / MedEc" in the Corriverton Community.
Serving the Lord Jesus Christ from her youth until now, she is a quiet storm brewing against the kingdom of darkness. He ministry encompasses inner healing and deliverance, helps, and leading souls to Jesus Christ.
Sunday May 23, 2021 at the official launching of this Branch of LHMI Guyana, Minister Annetta Liverpool will be installed by Founder & Overseer Rev. Dr. Oswen Cameron as the Appointed Branch Leader for LHMI Guyana Corriverton and for that we are eternally grateful - indeed we are the light of the world, a city not hidden - Matthew 5:14.
Give A Donation / Offering / Sow A Seed to LHMI, Corriverton
Using any of our giving portals below, you can give internationally and locally towards the works being done at LHMI Corriverton, Berbice, Guyana.
Areas of Support:
1. Rent
2. Ministry Operations (utilities)
3. Missions & Outreach (feeding program)
4. Love Offering for Branch Leader
5. Church Ministry Supplies (equipment, teaching materials, office supplies etc.)
6. Medical Relief Programs
Thanks in advance for your generous donations, may God pour back into you double portion according to measure you've given, in Jesus Name.
Make Mobile Donation Using CashApp
Click link above or give in app via handle $LHMIINC (in the "for section" enter a description for your donation e.g. Corriverton)
Make Mobile Donation Using PayPal
Click link above and specify donation amount, add a note to say what the donation is for. PayPal will send a Tax-Deductible receipt directly. No account required, use your debit or credit without fees.
Coming Soon!