About Us
Non-Denominational • Multicultural • Serving One God Under Many Roofs

Multilingual • Evangelical • Pentecostal • A City of Light & Hope

Servant-Leadership • Community Outreach & Enrichment
National & International Missions • Education & Development
​Our Mission
Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ through evangelism, worship and Biblical living.
Our Vision
To advance the principles of God's Kingdom on earth.

​Our Statement of Allegiance
We believe that Lighthouse Ministries International will fulfill its God given purpose as long as its Pastors, leaders and members live in complete obedience to God and His Word.

Our Core Values
1. Love for God and Man
2. Faithfulness to Jesus and His Word
3. Loyalty
4. Integrity
5. Respect for our family
6. Respect for Spiritual and Civil Authority
7. Humility
The Nations of Lighthouse
Commonwealth of Australia, Barbados, Republic of Cameroon, Curacao, Commonwealth of Dominica, Republic of El Salvador, Ethiopia, Grenada, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Republic of Haiti, The Nation of Israel, Jamaica, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Panama, Republic of Sierra Leone, Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Togolese Republic, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The United States of America.