F . L . E . M.
Family Life Enrichment Program
is designed to provide a forum of support and encouragement for individuals who are
Single, in relationship, married, or find themselves single again.
Here you'll find encouragement for your relationship, upcoming events, highlights and so much more.
What We Do: We focus our sessions also on restoration and reinforcement of family values for members of our church and community.
When: We Meet: 3rd Friday (4 times per year)
Where: Beltsville Campus
Format: Sessions are informal, fun, for various ages and are spiritually fueled.
Upcoming Event: Couples' Date Night
- Part 2 from last session
Feb. 16. 2018 at 6pm - click Register Now to secure your spot.
![All Videos](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dn7KheOLFXM/maxresdefault.jpg)
Family Life Enrichment Program Resource Section
Find encouragement for your relationship, upcoming events, highlights and so much more.