Support Our Ministries, Program, Community Events, Give your Tithes & Offering online.
Online Giving
Donations made to Lighthouse Ministries International are Tax-Deductible.
Use our Free PayPal portal to make your secure donations online. If you have a PayPal account, you can sign in to make recurring donations. No PayPal account? No problem. Simply click at bottom of page to use credit card and enter your payment info. Click here to view tutorial.
Donate Toward Bereavement Support
click on "Charitable Donation" above to use a credit card, debit card or gift card
or send money to friends & family via PayPal to
and specify in Memory of Who in the notes
In Memory of Elder Katherine Macauley
In Memory of Florence Quamina
In Memory of Tessa Massiah
In Memory of Elder Katherine Macauley
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;
not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver" 2 Cor. 9:7
NB: This method includes fees. NB: This method has No Fees.
Make secure donation through our PayPal portal by selecting one of the funds below.
Tithes & Offering
(use also for auxiliaries)
Building Fund
(use also for I Serve Prog.)
Care & Benevolence
(help us help members)
Missions & Outreach Programs
(use also for Pantry Ministry)
Program/Event Tickets
(use for general ticket purchases)
Prayer Breakfast Tickets
(use for VLOL/Women)
Prayer Breakfast Tickets
(use for TMOL /Men)
Charitable Contribution
(use for items not listed above)
Help us avoid fees, donate from your Paypal Account to ours via E-MAIL with a note to specify the fund allocation.
Steps to send payment: 1. log in to your paypal 2. Select send money to family or friend 3. copy fund email address below 4. specify amount 5. Verify info, add a note and 6. Click Send.
Tithes & Offering
(use also for auxiliaries)
Building Fund
(use also for I Serve Prog.)
Care & Benevolence
(help us help members)
Missions & Outreach
(use also for Pantry Ministry)
Program/Event Tickets
(use for ticket purchases)
Charitable Contribution
(use for items not listed above
and specify for what in notes )